
SNOLLYGOSTER - A shrewd, unprincipled person, especially a politician.

Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Gore embraces Dean - and new political style | "'There could well be a backlash in a week or so to what will be seen as an unprincipled act by a politician who has a personal interest in Democrats losing 2004,' says one Democratic insider."

Lieberman says he was blindsided by Gore endorsement of Howard Dean: "Reminded that he had said publicly last week that if he were elected president, he might give Gore a top-ranking position in his administration, Lieberman replied, 'I'd say that's less likely this morning.' "

Welcome to the Mercury News on - Governor won't probe allegations after all
By Kate Folmar
Mercury News Sacramento Bureau

: "``The governor, after consulting with legal counsel and advisers, has determined that an investigation would be rather pointless given the political nature that this has taken on,'' said Rob Stutzman, Schwarzenegger's communications director. ``The Los Angeles District Attorney's Office has said it has no investigation and no complaint on which to act. And so, the governor has concluded, as we believe most Californians have, that it's simply time to move on so he can focus entirely on the job Californians sent him here to do. He remains sincere in his apology to anyone he has offended.''"

[Wow, didn't see that one coming]

Monday, December 08, 2003

Grandfather Twilight endorses Dennis Kucinich for President 2004
[My God I hope this is a hoax - Barry]